GetLead.page – How do I add employees?

In GetLead.page you can add employees who will operate the GetLead.page widget and talk to customers. When adding an employee you can assign him to the appropriate department in your company. You can learn how to add sections by clicking on this link

To add a new employee click on the left hand menu “Employees” and then “Create”:

You will be redirected to the add employee form:

  • First name
    Enter your employee’s name here
  • Last name
    Enter your employee’s surname here
  • Email
    Enter your employee’s e-mail address here
  • Role
    Specify the role of the employee to be added – operator or owner (administrator)
  • Departments
    Select the departments to which you want to assign the employee – you can choose several
  • Slot
    Select one of the vacant slots
After completing the form, click the “Save” button to add the employee:

They write about us

W jakich godzinach są dostępni Konsultanci czatu?

Godziny w jakich nasi konsultanci obsługują czat są uzależnione od planu jaki wybierzesz. Sprawdź plany na górze tej strony i wypróbuj przez 14 dni za darmo.

Czy obowiązują opłaty za nowe leady?

Nigdy nie pobieramy opłat za nowe leady czy potencjalną sprzedaż. Opłacasz tylko zryczałtowane stawki miesięczne.

W jakich językach mówią twoi Konsultanci?

Nasi Konsultanci obsługują klientów aż w 45 językach.

Unikalny system tłumaczeń w czasie rzeczywistym, który zastosowaliśmy w rozwiązaniu GetLead chat sprawia, że Konsultant i Klient zadają pytania i czytają odpowiedzi w języku, jakim się posługują.

Czy będę mógł mieć bezpośredni kontakt z konsultantami?

Oczywiście. Nasz zespół ds. sukcesu klienta jest dostępny każdego dnia o każdej porze. Wystarczy napisać.

Dodatkowo będziesz mógł zobaczyć podgląd na Twoich konsultantów w panelu nawigacyjnym, dzięki czemu bez trudu możesz obserwować naszą pracę w czasie rzeczywistym.



Write to us

Haven’t you found an answer to your question? Write to us using the contact form below


Customers keep asking the same questions, how do you keep up with the answers?

Don’t have the time or staff to support customers on the site? Hire our Consultant!

Customers visit my site in the evening and at night, how can I keep them?

Provide real-time support 24 hours a day.

Why aren't customers calling me?

Customers keep asking the same questions for two reasons. Your offer is still the same. Your offer description is questionable and not detailed. This is why GetLead has implemented Get FAQ button. Thanks to a built-in search engine and prepared questions and answers you will never again receive the same phone calls with the same questions. Available Chat and consultant will perfectly complement the answers and help your visitors to make a purchase decision.


Why do I get a lot of traffic to my site and not sell?

It turns out that in all cases the answer to this question is similar. Customers don’t call because they visit the site in the evening and at night. It has long been the accepted norm for businesses to open during the day. Statistics show that visitors abandon sites at these times without opening the contact tab. GetLead chat and an available consultant is a signal to such a customer that the site staff is at work and will assist them.


Why are customers leaving for competitors' sites?

Too little information about the offer on the website. Bad navigation. Lack of thoughtful UX. There are thousands of elements that affect customer behavior. Which of them bother your customers? How should you find it out? Let the customer talk to you. Install Chat and answer their questions immediately when they expect it.

Why do customers abandon their shopping carts?

Price. Delivery costs. Unclear purchasing process. Slow loading page. Long delivery time. Trust in the company. Security of transactions. Payment process. These are the most common reasons cited by customers for shopping cart abandonment.

Serving a customer in real time, making a purchase decision right now, at this moment, gives you an incredible advantage and the ability to respond immediately and solve their problems and concerns right away. Customer seeing Chat and ready to help consultant knows that he doesn’t have to look for help on competitors’ websites.